
Resident Fellow & Janitor

Habibi 2

Habibi is a resident fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin, where he focuses on human disposition comprehension and enhancement. 

While he has no formal professional training, Habibi’s talent for charming stressed researchers, and his many accolades in this field, can be traced back to his innate aptitude for both the rapid internalization of peer feedback and the immediate development and implementation of effective mood improvement tactics. Since joining GPPi, he has taken an active interest in applied research, with his most recent work involving a rigorous investigation of soft toy production materials.

Habibi brings with him a background in janitorial studies, in which he specialized in food operations optimization and waste prevention. He actively contributes to GPPi’s office beautification efforts, leading the task force on comfortable furniture procurement and nap promotion. 

Languages: K9, English, Arabic

Areas of Expertise

Office Beautification
Disposition Enhancement